The Most Comprehensive Guide to Longevity Reserve Support
While working on creation of Longevity Reserve Support herbal remedies, we realized that some herbs have a broad spectrum of longevity benefits such as autophagy enhancing, telomeres protection, anti-inflammatory and proven well-being support.
Just as an example:
Summary of health benefits- Gynostemma /Jiaogulan – called “Herb of Immortality”
Compounds in Gynostemma appear to stop the DNA from being degraded.
Gynostemma has been found to stop and even reverse the process of erosion of the telomeres.
The effects of Gynostemma on telomeres make it one of the most powerful longevity substances ever known.
Research shows that the ability of an herb to boost longevity results in approximately 11 research-supported health benefits:
Premier Antioxidant. Support Stress and Mood disorder
Neuroprotective properties
Boosts Energy
Enhances Immune System
Supports Kidney and Liver Health
Anti- inflammatory
Supports weight management
Longevity effect (protects telomeres)
We decided to create a collection of Longevity Reserve Support synergetic compounds of potent liquid extracts using “multifaceted-universal” powerful herbal remedies. – (See the short overview list below).
We present the first four compound formulas of the “optimal” Longevity Reserve Support potent extracts collection.
List of herbs for Longevity Reserve Support Formulas:
Ashwagandha root extract can reduce brain cell degeneration and improve memory. Emotional, physical, and chemical stressors can all have damaging effects to the brain and the nervous system. Recent research has shown that ashwagandha is more than a stress reliever, it also protects the brain from cell degeneration, which can lead to neurodegenerative diseases. One of the main reasons ashwagandha is so effective at healing the brain is because it contains powerful antioxidants that destroy the free radicals that cause aging.
Withaferin A and withanolide D are the two main withanolides in ashwagandha that are used to improve cognitive function. Withanolides are naturally occurring steroids that are commonly present in plants of the nightshade family. Researchers found that they helped to promote cell outgrowth and reverse behavioral deficits and plaque buildup.
A recently published study on ashwagandha extract (KSM-66) shows an anti-aging effect with a telomerase promotion effect in the human cell line.
Astragalus root extract supports and protects telomere length, helps maintain healthy heart function, and supports immune function by contributing to the healthy production and activity of specialized white blood cells.
Astragalus has been implicated in increasing telomerase activity and telomere length, resulting in healthier cell longevity. Some elements found in astragalus fight free radical damage and prevent oxidative stress. The herb’s polysaccharides have positive effects on the immune system and improve brain function, which may lengthen one’s lifespan. Many anti-aging beauty creams are also formulated with astragalus root.
Astragalus has been shown to decrease the rate of telomere shortening.
Gynostemma has been revered for millennia for its ability to prolong life. This is how it acquired its nickname: the “herb of immortality.”
When Gynostemma was first discovered in rural China, the people in the local region who took the herb were found to have significantly longer life spans, less disease and greater vitality. This discovery prompted Chinese and Japanese researchers to intensively study the herb, finding that certain plant saponins known as "gypenosides" seem to be responsible for the many benefits of Gynostemma.
Compounds in Gynostemma appear to stop the DNA from being degraded and broken down too quickly. Gynostemma has been found to stop and even reverse the process of erosion of the telomeres, and the effects of Gynostemma on telomeres make it one of the most powerful longevity substances ever known.
Bitter Melon fruit extract provides antioxidant support to protect DNA from the damaging free radicals that play a role in aging. It also helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity.
Turmeric root extract supports healthy cell division and the detoxification of aging cells to promote a healthy inflammatory response and support for brain function. It also boosts mitochondrial activity to maximize oxygen utilization and tissue repair.
Galangal Roots. Galangal is an ancient herb that has been used for centuries to treat various medical conditions.
Galangal, part of the ginger family (same as Turmeric), is a spicy herb originating from Thailand and China.
The most widely researched benefit of Galangal is its ability to fight inflammation and cancers.
Galangal also helps to support brain health, increase sperm count and motility, fight bacterial and fungal infections, enhance blood circulation, lower cholesterol and blood lipids and ease some stomach problems.
Pomegranate Peel and Seed extract is highly effective in the suppression of free radicals for a healthy inflammatory response. It also supports healthy cell replication and heart function, exercise tolerance, and healthy prostate and breast tissue.
Parsley is a great source of apigenin, a powerful plant flavonoid that supports brain cell protection and cognitive function. It also promotes superoxide dismutase production, an enzyme that helps break down potentially harmful oxidation in cells for a healthy inflammatory reaction.
Kale (& Spinach) are rich in vegetable carotenoids, such as Lutein, that contribute to longer telomeres.
Panax Ginseng extract supports molecular integrity, healthy inflammatory responses, and stem cell health. It also helps maintain a healthy stress response and promotes healthy cell metabolism.
Cat’s Claw, also known as the “Sacred Herb of the Forest,” has been revered for centuries for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-boosting properties. The Amazon rainforest produces some of the most potent herbal medicines used around the world. Studies demonstrate the herb’s ability to significantly enhance the body’s natural ability to repair damaged DNA.
Bayberry Root Bark extract is a source of myricetin, a natural flavanol that is structurally similar to luteolin, and quercetin. It is reported to have many of the same functions as these other members of flavonoids with therapeutic antioxidant properties. Myricetin, a natural flavanol with diverse biological activities, may impact mitochondrial function and longevity. Myricetin also enhances the effects of other antioxidants and is effective in protecting cells from carcinogenic mutation.
A growing body of literature provides evidence that myricetin can prevent or decelerate the progression of various diseases, including cancer, metabolic diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and inflammatory disorders, as well as extend one’s lifespan.
Green Tea leaf extract supports cell membrane integrity and helps reduce fat storage to support hormone sensitivity, the ability of the cell membrane to accept hormones. It also supports healthy cortisol function, cholesterol levels and lipid profiles.
Indian Kino contains a substance called “pterostilbene,” which is similar but much more efficacious than resveratrol in reversing cognitive deficits. Pterostilbene has also been shown to reduce colon tumors, reduce pro-inflammation cytokines, and reduce Alzheimer pathology. This antioxidant also naturally occurs in blueberries and grape leaves.
Pterostilbene is better absorbed, and more biologically active than resveratrol. Also, it is metabolically more stable than resveratrol and confers intended benefits without undergoing extensive metabolism.
Due to the proven benefits of the Indian Kino tree, more studies are being conducted using Pterocarpus Marsupium in combination with other herbs to discover its wide range of health benefits. One of the most impressive studies showed that it may contribute to extending life. Indian Kino extract may offer significant breakthroughs for human health.
Japanese knotweed. The health benefits of Japanese knotweed include its ability to prevent and treat cognitive disorders, improve heart health, lower the risk of cancer, reduce gastrointestinal distress, lower blood pressure, and maintain proper insulin levels.
Japanese Knotweed contains lots of resveratrol, one of the best anti-aging compounds in the natural world. The roots of the plant contain much higher levels of resveratrol than the leaves and stems.
Resveratrol has the unique ability to mimic the effects of caloric restriction, which has been shown to promote longevity in a variety of organisms. It also supports healthy insulin sensitivity, enhanced mitochondrial function, dopamine receptors, and a healthy inflammatory response.
Aronia berries, also known as black chokeberries, are slowly becoming popular in the USA in recent years due to their exceptional health benefits. Raw organic Aronia berries have over 3 times the antioxidants of blueberries. Studies also show organic Aronia berries help regulate blood sugar, reduce blood pressure and reduce cholesterol among many other benefits.
Organic Aronia berries are extremely rich in anthocyanins, that have great anti-inflammatory effects in the body. Studies show Aronia berries to be beneficial for many common diseases including Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure, colon cancer, high Cholesterol, heart disease and diabetes.
Black Raspberry has superior health promoting properties when compared to other berries.
Recent research looked at the content of phenolics and anthocyanins in black raspberries, red raspberries and blackberries, assessing their antioxidant potential and health promoting properties.
Studies found that the content of anthocyanins in black raspberries was found to be approximately 1000% more than the raspberry and blackberry.
Interestingly, black raspberries also contained a higher content of secondary metabolites, which have been proven to be equally beneficial for human health.
The health benefits of anthocyanidins and its derivatives have been well-documented and add to an ever-growing body of science to support the potential heart health benefits of black raspberries, with the bio-actives proposed to be anthocyanins, flavanols, resveratrol, ellagitannin and tannins.
Sea Buckthorn is a small, bright orange berry that is also known as ‘miracle berry’ or ‘holy berry’. It has been utilized in traditional medicine in China and Greece for centuries. When the Chernobyl disaster struck, Sea Buckthorn was used to help treat the burn victims. Wild sea buckthorn is very tart and has a flavor profile that some describe as sour orange meets mango. With protein building amino acids, Vitamins B1, B2, K, C, A, E, folic acid, healthy fatty acids, at least 60 antioxidants and 20 minerals among other beneficial compounds, sea buckthorn is a true super food. Wild sea buckthorn is impressively healthy. Sea Buckthorn neutralizes free radicals in the body which helps slow the aging process.
Blue Huckleberries. Wild huckleberries are one of the healthiest, most versatile berries on the planet. Wild huckleberries have been harvested by Native Americans for thousands of years. Huckleberries were and still are used for ceremonies as well as natural medicine.
Huckleberries are associated with lowering cholesterol; protecting against heart diseases, muscular degeneration, glaucoma, varicose veins, and peptic ulcers.
Red grapes Few fruits have garnered as much attention in the health research literature as Red grapes.
With their overwhelming number of health-supportive phytonutrients, it is not surprising that grapes have been shown to provide many of our body systems with predictable benefits. According to research performed the following areas may benefit from red grapes: the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, immune system, inflammatory system, blood sugar regulating system, and nervous system. Another area of special benefit is cancer prevention, with risk of breast, prostate, and colon cancer emerging as the most likely areas of grape anti-cancer benefits.
Many of the phytonutrients present in the grapes have been recognized as powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents – the most powerful of these concentrated in the skins and seeds.
While a high ORAC value is important, “many scientists think that the disease-fighting benefits of fruits and berries is not just due to their ability to provide antioxidant protection. It is also very likely that phenolic compounds like resveratrol and quercetin produce specific responses such as reducing inflammation and improving health of the heart and other organs.” Ellagic acid is another phenolic found in the grapes in measurable amounts and has been closely linked to anti-aging activities.
Anti-Aging and Longevity Benefits of Grapes. Several grape phytonutrients are now believed to play a role in longevity. At the top of the list in this area of research is resveratrol (a stilbene phytonutrient that is present mostly in grape skins, but also in grape seeds and grape flesh).
Researchers have shown a parallel between activation of these longevity genes by resveratrol and activation by calorie-restricted diets (enhancing autophagy).
Mango Peels Scientific research suggests that mango peels contain high levels of minerals, vitamins, and other natural chemicals (mangiferin, kaempferol, anthocyanins, quercetin) that significantly contribute to good health.
Some scientists indicate that mango peels contain more healthy chemicals (polyphenols) than the flesh of the fruit. Generally, ripe peels contain more of these healthy chemicals than unripe peels.
Some chemicals (flavonoids) in the peels (mangiferin, gallic, protocatechuic and syringic acids, kaempferol and quercetin) have also been found to have the potential to slow aging and prevent cancer.
Arjuna bark. The bark from the Arjuna tree has been used for thousands of years in Ayurveda to support numerous health concerns including cardiovascular health.
The medicinal use of Arjuna bark is very well researched.
The properties of the arjuna herb are known to be rich in co-enzyme Q-10, tannins, flavonoids and polysaccharides as well as minerals such as magnesium, zinc, copper and calcium.
Health benefits of the arjuna bark- being used against heart disease.
Siberian Ginseng or Eleuthero. Eleuthero possesses a long history of medicinal use in traditional Chinese medicine, particularly as a tonic. Its use in Chinese medicine dates back more than 4000 years ago, making it among the most ancient valued medicinal herbs. Extensive pharmacological and clinical research that numbered up to approximately 1000 studies was published in Russia.
In the Chinese herbal medicinal system, regular use of eleuthero is believed to lengthen lifespan, enhance general well-being and restore memory.
Fo-ti also goes by another name- he shou wu. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Fo-ti has been used in longevity tonics to ward off aging. It’s also been used to treat a variety of other conditions. It is said to be a natural liver and kidney “youth-giving tonic,” meaning it is taken to improve general well-being and for its invigorating properties.
Fo-ti is also used to fight signs of aging, including hair loss and graying of the hair, as well as to improve skin appearance.
Fo-ti’s anti-aging reputation has gained some scientific support. Some studies also suggest that fo-ti may contain compounds that can help treat inflammation, high cholesterol, and cancer.