Immune System Support

Lifestyles and immune system. Because herbs are really and truly the icing on the cake, whereas the day-to-day choices we make for how we want to live are the cake, so to say. The same things in life that make us feel vital, happy, connected, and energetic also make our immune cells feel perky and capable.

Our emotions play a central role in the functioning of our immune systems—so much so, that there’s a whole field of science called psychoneuroimmunology. Our moods—and sense of connection—have a profound effect on our white blood cells (immune cells, such as B cells, T cells, natural killer [NK] cells, and macrophages).

The feelings of stress and social isolation are some of the biggest immune “downers” out there. Stress hormones, such as adrenaline (epinephrine) and cortisol, weaken immune function. Conversely, when we are relaxed and happy, our cells produce neuronal signaling molecules such as serotonin, dopamine, and relaxin, which have a strengthening effect on the immune system.

Feeling connected and like someone “has our back,” is more important to health and immunity than you might suspect. Loneliness is associated with increased cortisol levels and lowered immune profiles. Our human bonds do not have to be in the form of family—we can find community and friendship through our hobbies, work, support groups, volunteering, church or spiritual groups.

You’ve most likely already noticed the relationship between sleep and immunity. Anyone who has burned the candle at two ends for long enough has noticed that lack of sleep is one of the quickest ways to catch a cold.

Nutrition also plays a central role in immunity. Adequate intake of vitamins D and C and zinc are important to healthy immunity. Good sources of vitamin C include bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, papaya, oranges, strawberries, and pineapple.

It’s important to realize that herbs aren’t the only support you might need to combat infections, especially in the case of life-threatening or virulent infections. Honor your own wisdom and intuition and learn the warning signs of potentially serious conditions. It is better to be safe than sorry….

If we consistently ignore the basics of good sleep, nutrition, and lifestyle and dose ourselves up with antimicrobial and immune-stimulating herbs, we have missed the point. Treating symptoms without changing unhealthy inputs is not a holistic approach to healing.

Four group of herbal complexes.

About Immune Tonics and Modulators

These herbs have traditionally been used as prevention therapy and long-term immune tonics. They are traditional tonics for supporting the immune system and are slower acting with a more prolonged effect as compared to immuno-stimulants.

They are suitable for long-term use in cases of poor immunity and in cancer therapy and prevention. The difference between an immune tonic and an immunomodulator the last one has more degree of regulating, or balancing, effects on the immune system.

Therapeutically, these herbs are used to address low immune resilience, for example, individuals who experience frequent infections. Herbal immunomodulators are also used when the immune system is overactive, as is the case in allergies and autoimmunity. Immunomodulators help to harmonize the endocrine and nervous systems, which, in turn, regulate immunity.

Herbal Tonics and Immunomodulators can be taken on a daily basis during the fall and winter months to bolster immunity and lessen the chance of succumbing to common viral infections.

This class of herbs also has a role in cancer prevention and treatment; many of them are adaptogens used as adjunct therapies to conventional cancer treatments, such as radiation and chemotherapy.  Immunomodulators that are antioxidant and that act to reduce the overall inflammatory nature of the body (reducing the mutagenic potential of free radicals and the inflammatory contribution to cancer progression, respectively).

Herbal Immune Tonics

Antimicrobial herbs have compounds that directly deter pathogenic bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoans. They are a broad class of herbs and function in many ways. Many of the following herbs are active against several classes of pathogens. For example, an herb may be both antibacterial and antiprotozoan, and another herb may be antiviral and antibacterial. It is helpful to know what kind of infection you are working with and the direct antimicrobial qualities of any herbs you are considering in the treatment of that infection.

Herbal antimicrobial therapies are appropriate for the common cold, the flu, and manageable mild to moderate infections.

 The main list of immune tonic botanicals include:

Medicinal Mushrooms: -Turkey Tail, Chaga, Maitake, Shiitake, Lion's mane, Cordyceps, Reishi. 

Herbs: Elderberry , Echinacea flowering top & root, Calendula flower. Turmeric root, Gynostemma (Jiaogulan) leaf. 

Some other additional group including Yarrow, Goldenseal, Japanese honeysuckle, Lemon balm and Spilanthes 

 Herbal Immune Modulators

Many herbal immunomodulators are also adaptogens, which are tonic herbs that help to support and balance the body in adapting to emotional, physical, and mental stress. Herbal immunomodulators work their magic in part through the equilibration of the endocrine and nervous control of the immune system. By balancing the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, these tonic herbs help to harmonize the control centers of the body by affecting hormonal regulation of the immune system. Another possible mode of action is the regulation of  T helper cell balance, which involves the equilibrium of cell-mediated (T cells) and antibody-mediated (B cells) immunity.

Herbal immunomodulators include:  Astragalus, Ginseng, Rhodiola and Ashwagandha root, Holy Basil leaf.


Herbal Immuno-stimulants. Immune Boosters.

This group of herbs is used on a short-term basis to address acute infections by stimulating white blood cell activity. Immuno-stimulants—also called immune boosters—help the body to resist infection during the initial stages of a possible infection as well as throughout the duration of an infectious illness. You can also call on immune-stimulating herbs when you’re exposed to a contagious illness. Whenever you travel by plane, big parties, public places, etc. you could take immune booster preventively.

These herbs have an immediate but short-lived effect on white blood cells, and thus need to be re-administered frequently to maintain their effectiveness. Every one of these herbs affects the immune system uniquely. However, general modes of action include increasing phagocytosis; moderating immune communication chemicals, such as cytokines; or increasing white blood cell division and activity. Cytokines are hormone-like chemical signalers produced by a wide variety of cells, including those of the immune system, that have far-reaching effects on immune regulation. Interleukins and interferons are two classes of cytokines that you may have heard of.

In general, immuno-stimulants have traditionally been used short term, as they’re often overtly stimulating in nature and can result in imbalance if used for an extended period of time. Immuno-stimulants have the remote potential to increase autoimmunity, and although this is more the exception than the rule, they have at times caused flare-ups in people with autoimmune conditions.

Herbal Immune booster include: 

Spilanthes flowering herb & root, Echinacea flowering bulb, leaf & root, Elderberry, Horseradish root, Ginger root, Honeysuckle flowers, Boneset herb.

 Viral Defense – Immune Support.

Viruses are on the edge of life and are not able to reproduce on their own, thus they need a host cell in order to replicate themselves. When you have a viral infection, the viruses have invaded your cells. Controlling a viral infection is problematic because the virus is replicating from inside your own cells.

Instead of killing viral cells, what herbal antivirals can do is inhibit the virus from attaching to your cell walls or inhibit the replication of the virus once it gets into your cells. This herbal help can then give your immune system the upper hand to clean up the rest of the infection.

There are only two practical way to support your body to fight viral infection. First-is to support / stimulate your immune system respond. Second- suppress the size of viral infection- i.e., viral load.

Our proprietary herbal anti-viral blend “Immune Support” formula design  to inhibit the virus from attaching to your cell walls or inhibit the replication of the virus once it gets into your cells. In other words, it will suppress/decrease the size of viral load. This approach will give your immune system the upper hand to clean up the rest of the infection.

The Spray and Go Breathing Formula is proprietary herbal formula designed for using anti-viral breathing mist. It is effective and powerful preventive way to decrease the viral load and viral replication “at the entry” to the area that are affected the most by the viruses: sinuses, throat, bronchia track and lungs.  It could work for TWO real-life case scenarios:

The first scenario- it should be used for the purpose to reduce the potential risk of infection exposure being in public places such parties, guests in the house, airports and planes, concerts, public transportation etc. Spray 3-4 time into mouth, inhale deeply 2-3 times and swallow. Use up to 2-3 times daily if necessary. Could also be used to spray inside protective mask.

The second scenario- of using formula is to intensify anti-viral support in case of acute infection - during the initial stage with manifestation of flu symptoms. Spray 4-5 time into mouth, inhale deeply 2-3 times and swallow. Use up to 5-7 times daily  for the whole period of healing. We also recommend slightly increase the dosage for the first 3 day. Important: In the case of acute infection VIRAL DEFENSE formula should be used together with our other two formulas- IMMUNE BOOSTER and IMMUNE MODULATOR to optimize the healing effect.

Consult with your medical professional before using a nebulizer breathing device.

Additional benefits could be achieved by  using our preventive herbal blends: “Immune Tonic” and “Immune Modulator”  and short-term use -“Immune Booster”.

Herbal Immune Support include: 

Artemisia Annua whole herb, Echinacea flowering tops & root, Mullein flower & leaves, Elderberry, Ginger, Dandelion & Astragalus root,  Oregano, Sage & Lemon Balm aerial part, Andrographis aerial part., Olive leaf,  Licorice, Bupleurum,  Turkey Rhubarb & Isatis root.